SiSa AiRR Studio : solar system


•  design, fabricate, and install a solar system to provide electricity for all of AiRR’s requirements


•  solar panels to be placed on AiRR Studio metal roof (60’ x 50’) with southern exposure

• local inspiration (not pictured):

solar panel system at The Frick Environmental Center (Pittsburgh, PA)


building design/architects: Bohlin Cywinkski Jackson


US Department of Energy : Frick Environmental Center (2-page overview):


US Department of Energy : Frick Environmental Center (22-page full report):


Earthship (Volume I):  How To Build Your Own


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1990)


•  Interfacing with Local Phenomena  (pp 27 - 46)


Earthships have evolved a long way since the 3-volume set was published between 1990-1993 (see above and below), yet much of each book is still relevant.


In this 24-minute video from 2020, Earthship creator Michael Reynolds gives a tour of a Global Model Earthship:


Earthship (Volume II):  Systems and Components


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1991)


•  Solar Electric Systems  (pp 3 - 25)
•  Lighting Systems  (pp 89 - 94)
•  Gravity Operated Skylights  (pp 144 - 161)

with Hopper Window ventilation,

Operable Window updated from Volume 1  (pp 144 - 147)

Earthship (Volume III):  Evolution Beyond Economics


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1993)


•  Power Organizer Module  (pp 67 - 71)

references Volume II (pp 3 - 23)