SiSa AiRR Studio : rain system


•  design and build a system to collect rainwater from metal roof of AiRR Studio

•  rainwater can feed from downspouts, directly into a concrete cistern

•  rainwater can be guided from rain chains, into a terraced series of rain gardens

•  incorporate flowforms:


Teasel•Tecture  :  water•catch (below)


•  observe and model the architecture of teasel stems and leaves


•  experiment with water catchment and storage systems

• local inspiration (below):

Rain Ravine at The Frick Environmental Center (Pittsburgh, PA)


artist: Stacy Levy


landscape architects: La Quatra Bonci


building architects: Bohlin Cywinkski Jackson



• local inspiration (below):

rain chain system at The Frick's Grable Welcome Center (Pittsburgh, PA)



• local inspiration (not pictured):  Phipps Conservatory (Pittsburgh, PA)
Phipps Center for Sustainable Landscapes

rainwater harvesting / stormwater management / wastewater treatment

Water Storage:

Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds

for Domestic Supply, Fire, and Emergency Use


includes How to Make Ferrocement Water Tanks


Art Ludwig


Oasis Design; 2nd edition (2009)


Create an Oasis with Greywater:

Integrated Design for Water Conservation

Reuse, Rainwater Harvesting, and Sustainable Landscaping


Art Ludwig


Oasis Design; 6th edition (2015)


Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (Volume 1):

Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life and Landscape


Brad Lancaster


Rainsource Press; 3rd edition (2019)


Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (Volume 2):

Water-Harvesting Earthworks


Brad Lancaster


Rainsource Press; revised edition (2019)


Earthships have evolved a long way since the 3-volume set was published between 1990-1993 (see below), yet much of each book is still relevant.


In this 24-minute video from 2020, Earthship creator Michael Reynolds gives a tour of a Global Model Earthship:


Earthship (Volume I):  How To Build Your Own


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1990)


•  Interfacing with Local Phenomena  (pp 27 - 46)


Earthship (Volume II):  Systems and Components


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1991)


•  Domestic Water Systems  (pp 27 - 49)


Earthship (Volume III):  Evolution Beyond Economics


Michael Reynolds


Solar Survival Architecture (1993)


•  Indoor Water Catch with Water Organizer Module  (pp 46 - 58)
references Volume II  (pp 43 - 44)