Simetra Sanctuary (SiSa) is an experimental evolutionary research site, for artistically co-creating with nature, upon twenty-plus acres of mixed-deciduous (primarily) forest and meadow ecologies.





• observe, document, and learn from the dynamic and complex ecosystems of our semi-old-growth forests, which for the last 100+ years have been recovering from a history of coal mining (and more recent dumping, in certain areas), and are now capable of providing forage and habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including humans


• observe, document, and learn from the plethora of pollinators, and their naturally occurring plant partners, in our sunny meadow sections of land that have been allowed to naturalize


• prioritize the preservation of existing wildlife habitat and corridors, thru observation, mapping, and documentation


• design walking paths with radial buffers around the bases of trees to prevent human foot-traffic compaction, and to provide protected zones for transplanting native wildflowers, ferns, and mosses growing in pathways


• work with existing plants who have been deemed “invasive” species, where appropriate, to continue providing such functions as erosion stabilization, water filtration, and wildlife habitat/food


• increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat, in both our forests and meadows, by introducing trees, plants, and fungi, where appropriate; with an emphasis on edible, native species


• work with local communities to collaboratively design across connected swaths of topography to implement the re-wilding of green spaces, especially by promoting connections of biodiverse wildlife corridors


• build more soil resiliency and water retention into the landscape by placing fallen branches and pruned brush on hill contours to slow/absorb rushing rainwater (which will eventually evolve into hugelkultur-style mounds of living biomass, capable of slowing and filtering even more rainwater, and sequestering atmospheric carbon), and to provide protected hedgerow-style habitat and mini-corridors for wild critters


• work with local communities and watershed associations to harvest and slow the flow of rainwater (by designing collaboratively, across connected swaths of topography), for the purposes of filtering and recharging groundwater, and remediating landslides and pollution associated with nonpoint source (NPS) stormwater runoff


• experiment with mycoremediation to help heal land that has been continuously challenged by the historic-to-recent dumping of toxic synthetic materials


• experiment with alternative natural building techniques such as straw bale, cob, hempcrete, terracotta, and bio-ceramics





Thru the prolonged observation of, and interaction with, existing ecosystems – and thru guidance from the oft-unseen elements of the natural world, such as devas and elementals – environments are being co-created for people, wildlife, plants, fungi, and nature spirits to thrive in harmony. (Think Findhorn Foundation.)


The highest manifestation of Simetra Sanctuary will hold a loving and supportive space –energetically (spirit), physically (body), emotionally (mind) – for ecstatic connection with the intelligence of nature, and with other like-minded humans.


Simetra Sanctuary seeks to honor the interconnectedness and transformative evolution of all life. Recognizing Gaia/Earth as a multi-dimensional living entity, we understand our planet reflects back to us ourselves, and therefore our health as a human species.





To learn more about our sister site, Quarry Sanctuary, click the image below...